Friday, January 13, 2006

Scratch that off the list

I had finally gotten around to listening to a nice song called Where's the Money Mr. Blair that I had learned about thru the DGM Live site. In downloading and listening to this fine track, I learned it had type of file I hadn't heard of, a Weed file. Going to the Weedshare site, I noticed that in the top 10 is a band called The Ultraviolet Catastrophe. That bothered me because I had 'Ultraviolet Catastrophe' on my list of potential band names when I learned about it in my 20th century physics class about 10 years ago. I think I still have some good names from that and my advanced Calculus classes...

DGM, incidentally, is a music company that grew out of my favorite band, King Crimson. Incidentally, today is the birthday of the Crimson King.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'm the source of your troubles... The UltraViolet Catastrophe was my band in Seattle, first in 1983 (see for details about that time) then later in 1992... There was also a band called The Ultraviolet Catastrophe out of San Francisco later...

I first got the name from the book "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" on page 49 - quote: Physicists dubbed this problem "The Ultra-Violet Catastrophe." Although it sounds like a rock band...


11:38 PM  

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